New horizons in migraine treatment

Seize the opportunity to offer your patients an innovative and effective treatment method for managing migraine symptoms together with CEFALY®.

Finding the right treatment is a major challenge for many migraine sufferers

As not all migraine sufferers respond to traditional treatments, finding the right treatment can be extremely difficult. Doctors are faced with the complex task of finding individual solutions for their patients to efficiently relieve migraine symptoms. CEFALY® offers a promising option, as it is based on neurostimulation technology and aims to treat and prevent migraine. By stimulating the trigeminal nerve, CEFALY® could potentially be an effective alternative way to improve the quality of life of migraine sufferers.

The first therapeutic choice for the acute and preventive treatment of migraine
(CE marked & FDA aproved)

Acute migraine treatment (ACME study)

Percentage of patients who no longer feel pain after 1 hour
Placebo CEFALY® Acute 6% 29%
>50% pain reduction after 1 hour
Placebo CEFALY® Acute 31% 63%
Neuromodulation 2017: Chou, D. E., Gross, G. J., Casadei, C. H., & Yugrakh, M. S. (2017). External Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation for the Acute Treatment of Migraine: Open-Label Trial on Safety and Efficacy. Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface.

Cephalalgia 2019: Shnayderman Yugrakh M, Winegarner D, Rowe V, Kuruvilla D, Schoenen J. Acute migraine therapy with external trigeminal neurostimulation (ACME): A randomized controlled trial.

Preventive Migraine Treatment (PREMICE Study)

Migraine reduction
Response rate
Placebo CEFALY®Prevent CEFALY®Prevent Compliant 12.1% 38.2% 75%
Neurology 2013: Schoenen, J., Vandersmissen, B., Jeangette, S., Herroelen, L., Vandenheede, M., Gérard, P., & Magis, D. (2013). Migraine prevention with a supraorbital transcutaneous stimulator: A randomized controlled trial. Neurology, 80(8), 697-704.
Journal of Headache and Pain 2015: Russo, A., Tessitore, A., Conte, F., Marcuccio, L., Giordano, A., & Tedeschi, G. (2015). Transcutaneous supraorbital neurostimulation in “de novo” patients with migraine without aura: the first Italian experience. The Journal of Headache and Pain, 16(1):69.

Safety: Prospective study with 2313 patients

Side effects occur in only 4.3% of all patients compared to an average of 50% for typical oral migraine oral use of migraine medications as part of a preventive as part of a preventive treatment.
Cephalalgia, 2016: Magis, D., D’Ostilio, K., Thibaut, A., De Pasqua, V., Gerard, P., Hustinx, R., ... & Schoenen, J. (2016). Cerebral metabolism before and after external trigeminal nerve stimulation in episodic migraine. Cephalalgia, 0333102416656118.

We are here for you

We look forward to your interest in CEFALY® and are available for product demonstrations.

Sibylle Zeller

Sales & Account Manager

Adele Fanelli

Sales & Account Manager

Daniel Leemann

Sales & Product Application

Lucas Heider

Sales & Product Application